Nox Osx

The control of diesel engine NOx emissions is achieved through the survey and certification requirements leading to the issue of an Engine International Air Pollution Prevention (EIAPP) Certificate and the subsequent demonstration of in service compliance in accordance with the requirements of the mandatory, regulations 13.8 and 5.3.2 respectively, NOx Technical Code 2008 (resolution MEPC.177(58) as amended by resolution MEPC.251.(66)).
  1. Nox Oxidation
  2. Nox Os X
  3. Nox Osx
The NOx control requirements of Annex VI apply to installed marine diesel engine of over 130 kW output power other than those used solely for emergency purposes irrespective of the tonnage of the ship onto which such engines are installed. Definitions of ‘installed’ and ‘marine diesel engine’ are given in regulations 2.12 and 2.14 respectively. Different levels (Tiers) of control apply based on the ship construction date, a term defined in regulations 2.19 and hence 2.2, and within any particular Tier the actual limit value is determined from the engine’s rated speed:

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Ship construction date on or after
n = engine’s rated speed (rpm)
n = 130 - 1999
e.g., 720 rpm – 12.1
e.g., 720 rpm – 9.7
e.g., 720 rpm – 2.4
TheTier III controls apply only to the specified ships while operating in EmissionControl Areas (ECA) established to limit NOx emissions, outside such areas theTier II controls apply. In accordancewith regulation 13.5.2, certain small ships would not be required to installTier III engines.

A marine diesel engine that is installed on a ship constructed on or after the following dates and operating in the following ECAs shall comply with the Tier III NOx standard:

.1 1 January 2016 and operating in the North American ECA and the United States Caribbean Sea ECA; or

.2 1 January 2021 and operating in the Baltic Sea ECA or the North Sea ECA.

The emission value for a diesel engine is to be determined in accordance with the NOx Technical Code 2008 in the case of Tier II and Tier III limits. Most Tier I engines have been certified to the earlier, 1997, version of the NOx Technical Code which, in accordance with MEPC.1/Circ.679, may continue to be used in certain cases until 1 January 2011. Certification issued in accordance with the 1997 NOx Technical Code would still remain valid over the service life of such engines.
An engine may be certified on an individual, Engine Family or Engine Group basis in accordance with one or more of the four duty test cycles as given in appendix II of the Annex. In the case of Engine Family or Engine Group engines it is the Parent Engine which is actually emissions tested, this is the engine which has the combination of rating (power and speed) and NOx critical components, settings and operating values which results in the highest NOx emission value or, where more than one test cycle is to be certified, values which, to be acceptable, each of which must be no higher than the applicable Tier limit value. Subsequent series engines, Member Engines, are thereafter constructed with a rating, components, settings and operating values within the bounds established for the respective Engine Family or Engine Group. Generally all new engine certification leading to the issue of an EIAPP Certificate is undertaken at the engine builder’s works where the necessary pre-certification survey takes place.
Consequently a diesel engine having an EIAPP Certificate is approved, by, or on behalf of (since almost all engine certification work is delegated to Recognized Organizations), the flag State of the ship onto which it is to be installed, to a stated Tier for one or more duty test cycles, for a particular rating or rating range, and with defined NOx critical components, settings and operating values including options if applicable. Any amendments to these aspects are to be duly approved and documented.
For each NOx certified diesel engine there must be onboard an approved Technical File, NOx Technical Code 2008, regulation 2.3.4, which both defines the engine as approved and provides the applicable survey regime together with any relevant approved amendment documentation. As of October 2010 virtually all engines are surveyed using the Parameter Check method, NOx Technical Code 2008, regulation, whereby the actual duty, rating and NOx critical components, settings and operating values are checked against the given data in the Technical File. A key document in the Parameter Check procedure is the Record Book of Engine Parameters, NOx Technical Code 2008, regulation, which is maintained to record all replacements and changes to NOx critical components, settings and operating values. Engine surveys are undertaken on completion of manufacture and subsequently as part of the overall ship survey process; flowcharts illustrating the aspects checked at the various survey stages are given in NOx Technical Code 2008 appendix II.
In addition, there is the case where a diesel engine is subject to “major conversion”, regulation 13.2. Of the three routes given, “substantial modification” and uprating, both as defined, involve changes to an existing installed engine and under these circumstances the relevant Tier is that applicable to the construction date of the ship onto which the engine is installed except, in the case of ships constructed before 1 January 2000, where Tier I is applied. In the third route, that of the installation of a replacement, non-identical, or additional engine then the Tier appropriate to the date of installation applies although, subject to acceptance by the Administration taking into account guidelines, in some circumstances it would permitted to install a Tier II replacement engine as opposed to one certified to Tier III, regulation 13.2.2. In the case of an identical replacement engine the Tier appropriate to the ship construction date applies.
The revised Annex VI has also introduced the prospect of retrospective NOx certification, regulation 13.7, in the case of diesel engines of more than 5000 kW power output and a per cylinder displacement of 90 litres and above installed on ships constructed between 1 January 1990 and 31 December 1999. This will generally therefore affect only the main engines on such ships, the 90 litre/cylinder criteria represents, for example in current medium speed engine designs, engines with a bore of 460 mm and above. For these engines if a Party, not necessarily the ship’s flag State, has certified an 'Approved Method' which results in an emission value no higher than the relevant Tier I level and has advised of that certification to IMO then that Approved Method must be applied no later than the first renewal survey which occurs more than 12 months after deposition of the advice to IMO. However, if the ship owner can demonstrate that the Approved Method is not commercially available at that time then it is to be installed no later than the next annual survey after which it has become available. Given within regulation 13.7 are constraints on the Approved Method that limit its cost and detrimental effects on engine power and fuel consumption. Notifications of Approved Method from Parties are available through GISIS.
Further requirements are given in chapter 7 of the NOx Technical Code 2008 which includes an outline of the Approved Method File which must be retained with the engine. To date several notifications of Approved Methods have been advised to the Organization. It is not clear the extent to which others will become available however it is expected that, if so developed, these will be limited to involving aspects such as changing the engine’s fuel injection nozzles. Consequently, in the case of engines potentially subject to the requirement to install an Approved Method it will be necessary for ship owners (and also surveyors and port State inspectors) to remain vigilant over the service life of those engines as to the availability of such arrangements and to ensure that they are duly fitted and thereafter retained as required. For those engines where an Approved Method exists there is the alternative option, regulation, whereby the engine is instead certified in accordance with the conventional NOx Technical Code requirements.

This wiki is obsolete, see the NorduGrid web pages for up to date information.

  • 1NOX-1.0.0 binaries for Mac OS X
    • 1.1Some notes about client usage
    • 1.2Full package (with server and client)
      • 1.2.2How was the package created

These binaries are created with MacPorts. Currently no Globus support!

Some notes about client usage

The Mac OS X is in several ways similar to a linux OS, thus all the descriptions for linux most probably applies here as well.


After installing this package, the PATH should be set to location of the binaries, for example by adding this to the ~/.profile:

The user's certificate and key file by default should be placed into ~/.globus as usercert.pem and userkey.pem, and the CA certificates should be placed by default into /etc/grid-security/certificates.If these files would be in a different directory, then their location should be indicated in the client.conf file.

The client.conf file goes by default into ~/.arc.

In order to use the chelonia CLI tool, it is needed to tell python where are the python bindingd for the ARC client libraries. This can be done with setting the PYTHONPATH variable. The Snow Leopard packages but those here:

The Leopard package install the libraries here:


Nox Osx

If the certificate files are in their default directories, then we can have a client.conf like this:

More information on client and voms configuration.

With the arcproxy command, we could create our proxy:

We can submit a basic job:

Getting the job's status and data:

More examples in ARC client tutorial.

Full package (with server and client)

WARNING: Installing this package copies several libraries into /opt/local possibly overwriting the existing files inside, so if you ever used MacPorts, this could break things!


The Leopard version for some reason installs the python libraries and services to /Library/Python/2.5.Both versions put a file called a-rex into /Library/LaunchDaemons - I don't know what is this file.

These are the MPKG files created by MacPorts (in ZIP archive):

  • for Mac OS X Leopard (tested with 10.5.8): (50 MB)
  • for Mac OS X Snow Leopard (tested with 10.6.2): (39 MB)

Nox Oxidation

How to try the package

Installing this MPKG to a freshly installed Mac OS X, it would create the /opt/local directory with all these files (you need root access for this - maybe we could install these into the user's home directory, then we would not need root access to install the server part of ARC?). Then you can run arched. Let's try it with the C++ echo service, with this config:

Note the /opt/local/lib/arc part!Let's put some certificates in the proper directories, then run arched:

Let's create some client.conf and put some client certificates in the proper places:

Then use the to test it, which will as a side effect test the python bindings as well, so set the PYTHONPATH first (on Leopard this would be /Library/Python/2.5/site-packages)

It seems working. I tried to run Chelonia with a centralized set of services, and it was working fine.

How was the package created

NOX 1.1rc2

NOX 1.1rc1

NOX 1.0.0

This is a basic Portfile for NOX-1.0.0:

The swig-python dependency is only needed for the build, but not for running, the others are library dependencies, will be packaged into the multipackage MPKG file.

With this, and after creating a local macports repository, you can issue the

command, which will create a multi-package with lots of pkg files for all the dependencies, on Snow Leopard it looks like this:

On Leopard it contains an additional perl package for some reason:

We can check where will be files installed with the lsbom command, let's grep for anything which will not end up in /opt (this is the Snow Leopard package:

Nox Os X

Client package

Currently I don't know how to create a standalone client package which would not need root privileges to install it, so better just install the full packages.

Nox Osx

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